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A window into Monmouth Regional High School

As superintendent of Monmouth Regional, I am excited to be given the opportunity to share a glimpse through the window of the Home of the Falcons with you. I genuinely appreciate the generosity of The Hub newspaper.

Once a month I will be sharing events, celebrating student successes and educating the community on real issues that plague our students each year, at all ages and in schools across the country. Whenever possible I will provide resources or ideas that you can use to make a positive impact. After all, it takes a village ….

Let me begin with a brief introduction to Monmouth Regional. Over 50 years of Falcon Pride conjure thoughts of dedicated teachers, overachieving students and teenagers positively affecting the world around them. During my tenure at Monmouth Regional, I have seen many changes, both in facilities and in educational practices. We are proud of the building upgrades that we can offer our students to enhance their educational experiences, but we are more proud of how we prepare all students for the future and for all their successes.

Monmouth Regional graduates have attended and have been successful in such universities as Yale, Harvard, Princeton, MIT, Notre Dame and West Point (to name just a few). Monmouth graduates have gone on to become top-ranking military officers, doctors, lawyers, engineers, CPAs, teachers and so much more. The Falcons find success and happiness not only within our walls for four years, but in the global community for a lifetime. I would like to think that the foundations that these individuals built to follow their dreams started at Monmouth.

Monmouth Regional is truly a hidden jewel. I look forward to sharing our programs and many student accomplishments with you. I am confident that you will be as impressed with my students as I am.

Andrew Teeple
Monmouth Regional High School District
Tinton Falls

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