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Fix nagging neck pain naturally

By Ken Freedman, DC

Neck pain often seems like it comes out of nowhere — a bit of discomfort, stiffness or
soreness that we experience one morning when waking up or after exercising. Over
time, this pain can intensify until it compromises our quality of life. According to a
National Institute of Health Statistics survey, neck pain was tied with migraine pain as
the second most common form of pain most Americans endure, after back pain.

Perhaps your neck pain is due to a whiplash injury from a car accident or poor daily
postural habits like looking down at your smart phone. It is important to understand that
chronic neck pain will not simply “go away” with time. In fact, the longer you ignore this
pain or rely on medication to cover up the pain symptoms, the more intense your neck
pain may become. Soon, you may find it difficult to sleep comfortably at night, sit at a
computer for your job, play with children or spend active time outdoors. I’ve had
patients tell me that it took them 20 minutes to get out of bed because their neck pain
was so excruciating.

In most cases, neck pain develops when the nerves in the neck are irritated from
misalignment of the spinal bones. The body doesn’t work as well. Over time, your
body’s ability to heal becomes more limited. This is why medication and painkillers
deliver limited relief. Drugs simply mask your brain’s ability to perceive the neck pain.
Once the drugs wear off, the pain returns. What’s worse, if pain is meant to protect an
injured area, without that protection the condition often worsens!

If your body isn’t doing a very good job at healing its neck pain, first you need to know if
something is interfering with how well it is working. How the body works — how it
heals — is controlled by the energy that flows over the nerves through the spine.
Evaluating this process and removing the impediments to healing is my specialty.

Chiropractic Care is a Safe, Effective & Drug-Free Pain Relief Alternative

I believe there is a better, more effective way to address neck pain. The body functions
better when the energy that travels over the nervous system is free of interference. This
allows the body to heal better, move better and perform at its best mentally and
physically. A misalignment in the spine can negatively affect the central nervous
system’s ability to send and receive messages between the brain and the body’s
organs. In fact, your neck pain could be a symptom of bigger health problems in your
body. My care is designed to eliminate nerve interference so the body can naturally
heal itself.

I offer a variety of chiropractic techniques, from the traditional methods to those that are
extremely gentle and do not twist, pop or crack the spinal joints. I also offer
personalized recommendations such as therapeutic exercises that support correct
posture and help eliminate the daily habits that further aggravate your neck pain.

Schedule a Chiropractic Checkup or a Free Consultation Today

Whether you have recently been diagnosed with neck pain or have struggled with this
pain for years, it is important to know that there are safe, effective alternatives to
prescription painkillers. Schedule your appointment for a private consultation at no
charge or obligation. Have a check-up to determine if chiropractic care is appropriate
for you. It’s the most important step toward finally getting rid of that nagging pain in the
neck, naturally. My fees are reasonable for the high quality of care provided. There are
day, evening and weekend hours available, all major credit cards are accepted and
most insurance if you qualify. Most importantly, I will honestly inform you if I am able to
help you.

Freedman Chiropractic Center, LLC is located at Brier Hill Court D-6, East
Brunswick. Call 732-254-6011 or visit FreedmanChiropracticCenter.com.

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