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Volunteers thanked for efforts in town cleanup

Typing Letter to the Editor for the Opinion page.

The 11th annual Millstone Township stream cleanup, held on April 22, was another huge success thanks to our dedicated volunteers. Over 70 volunteers fanned out throughout the township to collect trash from our roads and streams.

This was the largest turnout and the largest amount of trash collected to date. A scale tipping 1.06 tons of litter was picked up and removed from the township.

The trash collection consisted of 78 bags (1,206 pounds) of trash, 24 bags (384 pounds) of recyclables and various other bulk items (530 pounds), including six tires, children’s toys, patio umbrellas, fish pond liner, an end table, large flower pots, car parts and several full cans of paint and deck sealer.

This year we had the pleasure of the company of the Phearless Phragmites Phighters, led by Mrs. Beth Topinka from the Millstone Township Elementary School, to help support the cleanup.

The group of third-, fourth and fifth-graders are also taking on a special project within the township to combat the spread of phragmites, an invasive species spreading through Millstone.

All those who participated in the cleanup enjoyed the chance to meet other members of the community and support a common cause. We thank you all and hope to see you again next year along with other friends and neighbors.

A special thanks to William J. Johnson and Mike Guinan from Monmouth County Clean Communities, the Millstone Department of Public Works, and Lori Maher, our Millstone Township Clean Communities liaison, for their support.

The stream cleanup is an annual event sponsored by the Stony Brook-Millstone Watershed Association and it will be held next year in the early spring. Show your support and come out and join the group.

Doug Lischick
Vice Chairman
Environmental Commission
Millstone Township

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