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Cell tower will be out of place in watershed

Typing Letter to the Editor for the Opinion page.

In Freehold Township, there is a proposal to build another cell tower. The cell company has an application for a zoning variance.

But this application is different because the 128-foot-tall monopole will sit squarely in the Lake Topanemus watershed, a residential area and an environmentally protected zone.

The plan calls for a non-indigenous 128-foot-tall metal pole with a dozen transceiver ears. That is double the height of George Washington’s face on Mount Rushmore.

In juxtaposition, our Mount Trashmore will look down on owls, hawks, coyote, red tail fox and deer. At the base of the tower will be a 30-kilowatt generator and five utility cabinets, all set on a nice neat cement slab for our listening and viewing pleasure.

There is one other small matter – the proposal is on Robertsville Road, a scenic road. The municipal ordinance on the books is in Chapter 190-160, called the Scenic Roadway Corridor Overlay Zone.

The ordinance states: “Maintain and enhance the rural character of Freehold Township and protect environmentally sensitive lands along roadway corridors.”

Wait, there is one other glitch because the scenic road ordinance clearly states: “Prohibited uses: No. 1, Telecommunications antenna.”

This application should have been dead on arrival. In closing, the American Cancer Society has some information on cell towers worthy of a read. “Can you hear me now?”

Joseph J. Ferdinando
Freehold Township

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