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Murphy is resident’s selection for governor

Typing Letter to the Editor for the Opinion page.

All my life, in public service as the former inspector general of the New Jersey Department of Transportation, and as a private citizen commuting to New York and Trenton, I have been keenly aware of and affected by the problems facing hundreds of thousands of New Jersey commuters.

In Ambassador Phil Murphy, I believe New Jersey’s commuters will have a true champion as New Jersey’s governor.

Ambassador Murphy’s comprehensive plan for dealing with the problems at New Jersey Transit are meaningful and doable. Among other things, he proposes to professionalize NJ Transit’s staff, conduct an audit of the agency’s practices and provide long overdue infrastructure repairs.

Ambassador Murphy’s forward-looking ideas are not limited to transportation. His plans to grow the economy, increase the minimum wage and provide equal pay for women are needed now.

Ambassador Murphy is a strong advocate for civil rights and a believer in climate change and the need to spur the growth of clean energy. Above all, Ambassador Murphy has the temperament to lead New Jersey as its next governor as he demonstrated in the recent debates.

Robert R. Salman

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