High school students represent the beauty of language


NORTH BRUNSWICK – Four students from North Brunswick Township High School were awarded for their recitation during a foreign language poetry contest.

Cynthia Liang placed first in intermediate German, Jenna Flanders received a second place award in advanced German, Veena Nagaprasad took third place in beginners French and Joanna Bernard garnered an honorable mention in beginners Italian.

Fifteen students in the World Language program at North Brunswick Township High School participated in William Paterson University’s 34th annual Orlando Saa Foreign Language Poetry Recitation Contest on May 18, sponsored by the university’s Department of Languages and Cultures.

Gabriel Espinosa Franco, Scarlet Colon Martinez, Winnard Franz Ravago,  Swetha Patel, Naimy Francois, Michael Einiger, Laura Cannuni, Abdullah Khan, Brittany Cruz, Manav Thadani and Mainor Paz Linares also participated in the annual contest.

“What is most impressive to me is that these 15 students volunteered their participation in this contest that is beyond the scope and requirements of their language course work, as representatives of the North Brunswick Township High School World Language Department.  This a reflection of their dedication and passion for their language studies, and the inspiration fostered by their world language teachers,” Suzan Ezdinli-Palazzo said in a statement released by the school.

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