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Allentown Boys Soccer

Scott Jacobs
Allentown High School was on the loosing side of a 3-2 games against Trenton High School. Frank Ford races for the ball against a Trenton defender on Oct 16.

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Allentown High School's AJ Ariano faces off against a defended from Trenton High School. Allentown was defeated 3-2 on Oct 16.
Allentown High School was on the loosing side of a 3-2 games against Trenton High School. Frank Ford hussles for the ball against a Trenton defender on Oct 16.
Allentown High School's Connor Maher slides to dismiss any of the momentum Treneton High School's #3 has at a game. Allentown was defeated 3-2 on Oct 16.
Allentown High School's Connor Maher brings the ball upfield at a game against Trenton High School. Allentown was defeated 3-2 on Oct 16.
Allentown High School's Sam Togna puts a big effort to keep possession of the ball at a game against Trenton High School. Allentown was defeated 3-2 on Oct 16.
Allentown High School's Sam Togna uses as much of the field as he can to get a good in good position of a scoring oppurtunity at a game against Trenton High School. Allentown was defeated 3-2 on Oct 16.
Allentown High School's Dayne Zauner brings the ball upfield at a game against Trenton High School. Allentown was defeated 3-2 on Oct 16.
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