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HILLSBOROUGH: Democrats urge activities for youths to help combat drugs

Reader Submitted
To the editor:
As candidates for Hillsborough Township Committee, we have knocked on thousands of doors and talked to thousands of residents. We have been witness to many conversations on social media and in person. A common topic is drug and alcohol abuse, especially among our younger residents. We have known people who have become victims of drug or alcohol abuse, some fatally so.
It’s good to see that many Hillsborough residents are not turning a blind eye to this issue. No community, including Hillsborough, is immune to drug and alcohol addiction. Our town does not have any more or less of this problem compared to other towns, but it is crucial that we increase our efforts in this regard.
The Municipal Alliance, Youth Services Commission and the Hillsborough Police Department are doing phenomenal work. We would like the township to increase its efforts to make residents more aware of the seriousness of this problem and become more informed about it through the many workshops and activities available to everyone, especially parents. Social media is an excellent way to get the word out about these opportunities, as well as information about drug and alcohol abuse. Just one example is the upcoming “Night of Conversation,” on Thursday, November 16, at the Municipal Building, at 7 p.m.
And we can’t stress this enough – anyone can become a victim to drug and alcohol abuse. Good people from all walks of life and from close, caring families have become addicted. Most of us can learn more about this topic.
On a related note, we would like to increase the variety of activities available to children in Hillsborough. In addition to sports, we would like to expand the activities to include art, music, theatre, science, and other areas of interest. Hillsborough is rich with adult volunteers with these talents, and we can tap into the curiosity and talents of many children. As they explore an interest, they could engage in an activity they have a passion for. And maybe we can seek more businesses that would cater to our younger population and provide them with fun and safe activities. Being involved in such activities that are supported and embraced by the community of Hillsborough can maybe, just maybe, keep some children from being victims of drug and alcohol abuse.  
Jane Staats and Harrison Burke

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