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Is text neck wrecking your health?

By Ken Freedman, DC

Doesn’t it seem like everywhere we look, people are on their cell phone, tablet, or a computer? At work, home and across the table from us, their heads are down and necks flexed forward. What happens over time? Text neck! Text neck is a condition where the head and neck are bent in a forward flexed position; this is one of the most common postural problems. Over time, the effects on a person’s health can be devastating.

Ideally, your head should sit directly over your shoulders, like a golf ball sits on a tee. Since your head weighs as much as a bowling ball, bending your neck forward and holding it there for lengthy periods misaligns the spine in the neck. Muscles strain and ache. You can get headaches, shoulder pain, weakness, numbness and tingling in the arms and hands, increased susceptibility to injury and premature arthritis.

More importantly, text neck can hurt the function of your thyroid, parathyroid, heart and lungs, because these organs and others are all directly controlled by energy flowing from the brain through the neck. The Mayo Clinic Health Letter reported that abnormal neck posture “leads to long term muscle strain, herniated discs, arthritis, pinched nerves and bite problems.”

In addition to texting, some of the most common causes of text neck are: positioning the computer screen too low, watching TV/reading in bed, close work bending forward (dentists, tailors, cooks, accountants and jewelers), backpacks, nursing a baby, flat feet, irritated spinal nerves, neck injuries and being very tall.

Text neck is especially important in children because, as the expression goes, “As the twig is bent, so grows the tree.” If your child or you may have head-forward posture, schedule a checkup with me to find out. A checkup is relatively fast, painless and inexpensive. With over 38 years of experience helping people with alignment problems, we can measure to determine the effect that text neck is having throughout your body before it becomes too late. If I can help you, I’ll explain the shortest, most affordable route to the best, most long lasting results. If you have a condition that requires medical intervention, we will discuss your options. If necessary, I will refer you to an excellent M.D. to help you right away.

If I can help you, I offer a wide range of chiropractic adjusting techniques to fit all preferences and clinical needs, from the traditional, hands-on approach, to those involving absolutely no twisting, popping or cracking of the spinal joints. In addition, I also offer customized programs of self-help therapeutic exercises and stretches, and products to improve the effectiveness of our care, speed better results and save you money.

We offer day, evening and weekend appointments, with a variety of payment options available, including cash, check, all major credit cards, insurance (if qualified), health saving and flexible spending accounts. You are also welcome to call and schedule a private consultation with me at absolutely no charge or obligation.

In 2017, Freedman Chiropractic Center, LLC was voted Best Chiropractic Office in The Home News Tribune’s Best of the Best Reader’s Choice Awards. Discover what sets our office apart from many others, and how our approach may be the best fit for you.

You can contact me at 732-254-6011, or email ken@freedmanchiropracticcenter.com. Freedman Chiropractic Center is located at Brier Hill Court D-6, East Brunswick. Visit www.freedmanchiropracticcenter.com.

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