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In support of Ed “Jack” Jackowski

To the editor:

It’s time to recognize that all is not well in Hopewell. With little or no public involvement and without the input of our school board, Julie Blake and our township committee have given away our future in the form of millions of dollars in tax breaks to developers who are set to build thousands of homes – huge projects that will divert funding from our schools and place undue stress on our township’s infrastructure. If allowed to proceed as planned, Hopewell residents will be on the hook to pay when the bill comes due.

We deserve better. I’m voting for Ed Jackowski this November for township committee because I believe he’ll help us halt these projects and find a path to growth that makes sense for the people of Hopewell. Ed’s honesty and openness to ideas have helped him build and run his business in Hopewell for more than 20 years. His roots in the community run deep, and I’m confident he’ll always put Hopewell first.

I’m not ready to feed our current committee’s appetite for rapid, rabid development. But I am ready for transparency, balance, and smart, sustainable growth. I’m ready for Ed Jackowski.

Daniel Nestle


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