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Murphy asks East Windsor voters to support her

To the editor:

I am asking East Windsor residents to consider voting for me, Colleen Murphy, to the East Windsor Regional School District School Board on Tuesday, November 6.

Starting in kindergarten at Perry L. Drew Elementary School and graduating from Hightstown High School in 2012, I am proud to have been a student in the district for 13 years. I loved my experience and am running for a seat on the school board so I can help ensure that children currently in the district can have as great — or an even better — experience than I had. It is important for the board to have a fresh perspective, and I think my first-hand experience within the district can bring that.

As a member of the board, I would work with fellow board members, administrators, teachers, parents and community members in making the district as safe, open-minded and responsive as possible so students can continue to receive a top-notch, well-rounded education. I would also play a part in ensuring communication is clear, concise, transparent and timely so that the community stays informed about district happenings and has its voice heard and respected.

I care about the students, knowing many of them through my swim team coaching and CCD teaching. I also care about the community as a whole. The more successful a community’s schools, the more successful the community; I want to help both.

Please feel free to reach out to me through my Facebook event page, “Vote Colleen Murphy for EWRSD Board of Education,” if you have any questions.

Thank you, and I hope to have your vote Tuesday, November 6.

Colleen Murphy

East Windsor

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