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Preparedness counts in choice for township committee

To the editor:

Our choice for the lone Hopewell Township Committee seat on the ballot on Nov. 6 was never clearer than at the Hopewell Valley League of Women Voters-sponsored forum on Oct. 16.

Julie Blake was far more prepared and knowledgeable than her opponent about the issues that face our community.

While I applaud Ed “Jack” Jackowski for his interest in participating in our local government, for his entrepreneurship in running his local business, and, of course, for his service to our country in our military, I expect candidates for office to be far sharper on the issues than Mr. Jackowski was at the forum.

One moment at the forum made the difference between the candidates quite apparent. Julie asked Jack how he would deal with the impact on the Hopewell Township taxpayer if the township had built 653 affordable housing units at the projected cost of $300K each.

Jack began his answer: “Since we’re getting full taxes for that property,” before pausing and asking, “We’re not?”

Julie asked the moderator if she was allowed to clarify, and then asked, “So, you’re saying, getting full taxes from the property? So, we’re going to be receiving money back from the property?”

Jack said he meant the homeowner taxes would supply the revenue.

Julie responded, “They’re affordable homes, so we’re not going to be getting very much, but you’re saying that you would get [the cost back] from the taxes.”

Though reading the text can’t convey it, her tone was gentle, because in that moment, Jack was more than Julie Blake’s opponent, he was her constituent, and having a clearer understanding of the issues helps us all, candidate or not.

Their differences are obvious on their campaign signs as well. Julie’s speak of putting our ideas to work. Jack’s say “Restoring Hopewell’s Roots,” which, as far as I can tell, is either a pun based on his plant nursery business when our community needs far better than puns, or is a signal that he looks backward when vision is what we need. Jack’s Aug. 29 letter in the Hopewell Valley News showed none of that vision, and no vision seemed to come together between then and the forum.

Above all, please vote on Nov. 6. It’s our right, it’s a right not everyone in the world has, and it’s just a few minutes out of your day. Julie Blake is my choice to remain on the Hopewell Township Committee, and I hope she’ll be yours as well.

Andrew Borders

Hopewell Township

Mr. Borders is a member of the Hopewell Township Zoning Board but writes as an individual resident.

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