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Vote for Joyce Eldridge-Howard

To the editor:

Having known Joyce Eldridge-Howard for about a decade as a neighbor, church member and friend, I am elated to share with you why I believe she is the right fit for a seat on the Hillsborough Board of Education.

Firstly, Joyce is a highly qualified candidate who has proven herself time and time again with over 40 years of achievement as an educator. She has worn many hats that afford her the vantage point of having been a parent, a teacher, a guidance counselor, a principal, an educational consultant, as well as a member other boards including that of the Hillsborough Public Library.

Lastly, anyone who knows her can attest to her continued dedication to contributing to the success of others. She is not one to rest upon her laurels and will bring her spirit of excellence to further the progress of our district schools.

Renee Williams


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