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Resident offers thoughts on senior committee

Typing Letter to the Editor for the Opinion page.

I have sent the following note to Allentown Mayor Greg Westfall, Borough Council President Thomas Fritts and members of the council regarding the Mayor’s Ad Hoc Senior Citizen Committee:

What has been a difficult few months will likely not be made better by prolonging the debate, so instead, permit me a few comments that might serve to moderate the ill will in the air … as well as to serve Allentown interests.

Difficult and regrettable situations can be avoided if the principals involved would agree to not just talk, but to talk candidly, honestly and respectfully about their ideas and intentions. Words have consequences and so they must be selected carefully, with considerable forethought, and then such words must be allowed to be heard.

So perhaps, a lesson learned, in retrospect, had this matter been given its due respect, afforded the opportunity for full disclosure and unfettered discussion, it is quite probable a different outcome would have been reached, and it is further reasonable to surmise, without any of the accompanying unfortunate feelings of acrimony and distrust.

To set the record straight, and to state again as clearly as possible, the fact that not a single former committee member had any intention, whatsoever, of resigning their committee membership, or to retract their commitment to the borough’s seniors suggests, simply, that this matter was decidedly mishandled from the beginning.

To avoid repeat occurrences, ones ending with regret and bitterness, there needs to be a firm commitment to legitimate and open dialogue. Everyone needs to do a better job, much better.

Joe Monticello

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