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House bills are going nowhere in U.S. Senate

Typing Letter to the Editor for the Opinion page.

President Donald J. Trump fallaciously claims that Democrats are so focused on attacks on him that they have ignored other priorities such as infrastructure, drug prices and veterans’ needs. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Since January, House Democrats have worked hard to pass about 49 pieces of legislation.  These bills have addressed reducing prescription drug prices and are aimed at protecting people with pre-existing conditions, for example.

In contrast, President Trump and Senate Republicans have attempted to destroy safeguards for pre-existing conditions and kill the Affordable Care Act with nothing to replace it.

House Democrats passed a package of nine bills addressing veterans’ matters in May. Still other bills passed by House Democrats addressed anti-corruption and pro-democracy reform, save net neutrality, would establish background checks for guns and a bill that would get the United States back in the Paris Climate Accord.

Unfortunately, when bills go to the Senate they just sit there, since Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has made it clear he has no intention to cooperate.

Ignoring Senate policy-making, McConnell has focused mainly on confirming judiciary and presidential cabinet nominations.

Of all proposed legislation, only a few have been passed by both houses, those being a package of bills to end the longest shutdown in history, disaster relief aid and a resolution to end United States involvement in Yemen.

Regarding infrastructure, when Democrats tried to discuss the matter with President Trump he walked out of the room.

Therefore, while little is happening in Congress, it is incorrect to blame Democrats. It is concerning how President Trump turns reality around to blame Democrats when it is really President Trump and Republican resistance to bipartisanship that is responsible for Congress’s lack of progress.

Kim S. Luxhoj
Freehold Township

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