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Resident endorses Nelson and Penna for freeholder

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Monmouth County freeholders need board members with fresh perspectives. That is why I am voting for Moira Nelson and Michael Penna.

Mr. Penna is a dedicated educator who works with special needs and “at risk” children, while Ms. Nelson, a small business owner, is a leader in substance abuse prevention.

Mr. Penna and Ms. Nelson are committed to increasing social service funding. For example, they support expanding substance abuse programs, particularly those aiming to reduce the opioid crisis, such as harm reduction approaches.

Mr. Penna and Ms. Nelson are concerned about the environment and advocate long-term, regional environmental planning, including flood mitigation and storm water management.

They also will address the issue that Monmouth County’s landfill is nearing capacity and will implement long-term “green” waste management solutions to this problem.

As Monmouth County citizens, both are keenly aware of how expensive county taxes are. As freeholder board members they will push for an operational audit of each county department and cut the fat.

I hope you will join me and vote for Moira Nelson and Michael Penna.

J.J. Mistretta
Freehold Township

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