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Helmetta total positive COVID-19 cases rise to eight, which include two deaths

HELMETTA – Helmetta total positive COVID-19 cases rise to eight, which include two deaths, according to Mayor Chris Slavicek in a letter to residents on April 6.

“Our positive thoughts and warm wishes remain in memory of those who have been lost, and for all the families who have and are being impacted by this pandemic,” he said.

Slavicek, in his letter, is asking residents to nominate someone in Helmetta who is on the frontline during COVID-19 – a first responder, healthcare professional, essential community worker who is giving of themselves and family to help fight during the pandemic.

“I would like to spotlight these heroic individuals as Helmetta Hometown Heroes,” he said, adding for residents to send a picture of the Helmetta Hometown Hero with a brief description of their involvement and valiant efforts to mayor@helmettaboro.com.

The Bunny Hop in Helmetta will begin at 11 a.m. on April 11 as the Easter Bunny tours the borough on a firetruck.

Slavicek said he encourages residents to participate in #LightUpForLives Candlelight Campaign by simply displaying a lit candle on one’s front porch each evening in hopes of banding together to create a “shining” example of humanity.

The Helmetta Fire Department continues “Red to the Rescue.” The effort is to assist seniors, the disabled or even the less fortunate with necessary errands or essentials.

For assistance, contact Fire Chief Joseph Reid via email at hfdchief3650@yahoo.com or leave a voice message at 732-521-4946  ext. 100.

For more information visit. www.helmettaboro.com.

For Middlesex County information on COVID-19 information visit discovermiddlesex.com/covid19/ or www.middlsexcountynj.gov/covid19.

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