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Speed up and don’t miss Sonic

Sonic (Ben Schwartz) in SONIC THE HEDGEHOG from Paramount Pictures and Sega. Photo Credit: Courtesy Paramount Pictures and Sega of America.

By Paul Hall

In the 1980s, my SEGA game system was a lifeline. I would disappear into the power of the game system as I was early to jump into the sports games that defined it. While the sports games were truly revolutionary compared to their competitors, there was one character who defined the system: Sonic the Hedgehog. Now, fresh from a strong run at the box office, Sonic the Hedgehog is available to watch at home via digital purchase through great online retailers.

When I sat down with the film in the theater, I wondered aloud if it made sense to release a Sonic film in 2020. The answer turns out to be a resounding “yes.”

After an early trailer was met in the online community with resounding disapproval for Sonic’s look, the filmmakers went back to the drawing board and created a much sleeker and hipper character who just pops off the screen. And so does the film.

The basic story brings the speedy hero (voiced by Ben Schwartz) to life on Earth. He is assimilated to his Montana home and his hero Donut Lord, better known as the local sheriff Tom (James Marsden). When a “meltdown” by Sonic leaves the town without power, he is exposed to the government and the evil Dr. Ivo Robotnik (Jim Carrey). Tom and Sonic go on the run and together search for the rings that will lead Sonic to safety, but can the two find the rings before Robotnik finds them?

I was mixed as I mulled over my initial viewing of Sonic the Hedgehog, but after taking another peek prior to the digital release, I have a second opinion. This film spins a solid formula that includes Carrey’s comedic stylings in a fun character with witty dialogue, all in a quality PG wrapper. That is what makes for a great movie to purchase and add to your library. There is a scene deep in the credits that needs to be checked out as well before you turn off this release.

Although it seems a couple years or more late to the party, Sonic the Hedgehog offers fun and wackiness, two things that are extremely needed right now. Gamers like myself will enjoy seeing Sonic, the rings, Robotnik and another character or two if they watch all the way through. Families and kids will be taken by the constant speed of Sonic and all the characters. And everyone will be captivated by a smile or two along the way. Speed to your favorite online retailer and add this to your library today.

Paul’s Grade: B

Sonic the Hedgehog
Rated PG
Stars: James Marsden, Jim Carrey, voice of Ben Schwartz
Director: Jeff Fowler

Available as of 3/31/20 as an early release to digitally download and enjoy at online retailers everywhere, including iTunes, FandangoNOW, Amazon Prime Video and more. Coming to Blu-ray and DVD in May.

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