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Opinion: Princeton community was generous with book sale donations


After a two-year hiatus, the Friends of the Princeton Public Library held another successful annual book sale from Nov. 12-14, and we were delighted to welcome back members of our local community and visitors from far afield.

All the proceeds raised go towards the purchase of books and other media in the library collections.


We would like to thank our colleagues and Friends at Princeton Public Library, our hard-working volunteer cohort at the sale, and our wonderful team of volunteers whose dedication throughout the year is the key to a successful sale. 


Lastly, we would like to thank the Princeton community who generously provide us with book donations and support our book store and sales as loyal customers. 

To find out more about the book store and donating books, visit www.princetonlibrary.org/booksales.




Helen Heintz

Chair of the 2021 Annual Book Sale 


Claire Bertrand

Friends Book Sale Manager 



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