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Speed cushions installed on two popular shortcuts

Rubber speed cushions have been installed on Edgehill Street and Hibben Road to slow down traffic on two popular shortcuts between Mercer Street and Stockton Street.

The Princeton Council approved the purchase of rubber speed cushions last summer.

Speed cushions, which are removable, are similar to speed humps or speed bumps, according to the National Association of City Transportation Officials.

Speed cushions are placed in the lane of travel. They are wide enough to slow down a car, but not wide enough to interfere with an ambulance or fire truck.

The town had planned to install traffic calming measures on 10 streets, but shelved the plans at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Edgehill Street and Hibben Road were at the top of the list.

Residents on Edgehill Street and Hibben Road have complained that drivers use their streets as a shortcut between Mercer Street and Stockton Street. Trucks that weigh more than four tons are banned from using the two streets.

The speed cushions are temporary, but if they are effective, a more permanent measure would be implemented, officials said. The town will monitor the situation with traffic counts and speed monitoring.

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