Success 1st presents a free 2-part virtual creative expression event. This is not your ordinary poetry class. We will embark on a journey of words, music, and rhythm. Phrases collide, intersect and entwine to bring power to your voice and your performance! Part one of the Creative Expression Workshop which includes an optional poetry contest is on Friday 4/08/22 6 pm – 9 pm for young people in grades 7 – 16. Contest prizes include Rocketbook digital Notebooks $50 gift cards, $100 gift cards, round trip tickets courtesy of “Southwest Airlines”.
Part two “Words, Rhythm & Sound” Virtual Showcase will be broadcasted is on Saturday 4/09/22. 2 pm – 4 pm. This free virtual performance features various art forms and is suitable for the entire family.
The featured guest for both events is Spoken Word Artist Eric “Myster-E” Shandroff: Spoken Word Artist & Artist Educator. Register free via Eventbrite.