Reader disagrees with assertions about the black community

Typing Letter to the Editor for the Opinion page.

Though I doubt that Michael Campbell meant to give offense with his recent letter to The Sentinel (“Reader suggests how to repair trust between police, minorities,” East Brunswick Sentinel, Nov. 30) on how to improve relations between the police and the black community, that is precisely what he has done.

But for his letter to be printed, the editorial staff must be just as insensitive. Here is, word for word, the second paragraph of his correspondence.

“First, for progress to effect positive change specifically between African Americans and the police, members of the African American communities must come together and do some housekeeping. They must train their kids from an early age to respect other people, also people of authority and school officials, and people’s property. They must be taught that the life of another is just as precious as their own and the value of an education is the foundation to a successful life. Families must collectively instill discipline and show love to their kids in order for that child to grow and have compassion for others who may not look and act like them.”

The clear implication is that, unlike other ethnic groups, African Americans are not doing these things. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Arthur Lewin
East Brunswick

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