On November 16th, we will continue this year’s celebration of the Hall’s 50th Anniversary at our annual Homeplace Show. This show features some of the more traditional Sounds of the Jersey Pines. You might wonder where the name of the show comes from – weekly jams held at the Albert’s cabin, called the “Homeplace” to those who played there, led to the creation of the Albert Music Hall and Pinelands Cultural Society. You can read more about our story (https://alberthall.org/our-story) on our website.
This show will feature a very special guest, local singer-songwriter Pete Curry, who is one of the original Homeplace musicians and author of the song “Come on Down to Waretown”!
For this event, doors will open at 5pm with music from 5:45pm to 9pm. The line up for the evening is:
- Greater Pinelands Dulcimer Society (https://pinelandsdulcimer.com/)
- Jackson Pines (https://www.jacksonpines.com/)
- James Dalton (https://www.facebook.com/jamesdaltonmusic/)
- Easy as Pie (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100078569388076)
- Doctor Creek (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61556742661150)
- Sawmill Run Old Time String Band (https://www.facebook.com/SawmillRunOTSB)
- Pete Curry (original Homplace musician)
Admission is $6 or $1 for kids under 12. The venue is cash only. Parking is free and we are wheelchair accessible.
For dinner we will have several hot food options: chicken parmesan sandwiches, kielbasa & kraut, cheeseburgers and hot dogs. There will also be a wide selection of desserts and beverages.
We hope the gift shop will entice you to start your holiday shopping early. It includes a variety of music, Hall, and Pinelands themed gifts, including our 50th Anniversary merchandise and our brand-new long-sleeved Devil shirts! There will be a 50/50 drawing and you can purchase our Anniversary Raffle (https://www.alberthall.org/anniversary-raffle) tickets in the foyer for $10.
We look forward to seeing you at this terrific show – come on down to Waretown and celebrate our heritage!
Visit our website at https://alberthall.org for the latest information about this and all upcoming events.