EAST WINDSOR: Fire Company No. 2 offers barbecue safety demonstration

Your barbecue grill is not supposed to look like this

With barbecue season in full swing, and in a vivid and very real demonstration, members of East Windsor Vol. Fire Co. 2 showed what happens when you allow a grease or fat build-up in your backyard BBQ grill.
"Grease from burgers and steaks accumulates at the bottom, and it can flare-up very easily and quickly if not cleaned and removed often," said Chief Mario Batista at the fire company’s recent open house. "Once it ignites, the flames can easily erupt tenfold in size and be a danger to nearby structures. And it will happen fast."
Chief Batista suggests that no grill be placed within 10 feet of any structure, including overhangs or decorations, and that grilling on balconies or enclosed areas is off limits. The chief also said throwing water on the flame may cause it to spread further, so he advises you keep a fire extinguisher or baking soda nearby in case of a flare-up – a method that will "smother the flames."
He also said you should keep small children away from the area and to never – even for a minute – leave a grill unattended.

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