HILLSBOROUGH: Family separation or legal kidnapping?


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To the editor:

We are forcibly tearing children out of their parent’s arms at our borders as the parents seek compassion and asylum from unimaginable threats of gang rape, murder, and forced entry of boys and girls into vicious gangs.

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This moral outrage comes from the group who espouses biblical and family values. None of the biblical exhortations coming from Attorney General Jeff Sessions can justify these horrors. In reality, the United States policy is just “legal kidnapping.” How have we descended so far into immorality and legals torture of these children and parents? Where is the outrage?

These cruelties are being wrought on young children’s psyches. Scientific studies abound concerning the need for children to have a safe and secure loving family and the last dame these traumatic separations can cause.

Additionally, who is questioning where the young and vulnerable girls and babies are being warehoused? It sounds as if many of these 2,000+ children are currently lost and cannot be followed up! Is this the American Dream or a crime against humanity?

Where is the outrage?

Ann D’Adamo, MD


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