Cool your joints: A new option for pain relief-CentraState


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For those suffering from chronic pain, finding relief often means invasive spinal fusion surgeries or potentially addictive opioid medications. A new treatment – water-cooled radiofrequency ablation – is a non-invasive, outpatient option that is helping many local residents get back to the activities they enjoy.

The COOLIEF procedure uses cooled radiofrequency energy to target the sensory nerves causing pain, sparing the surrounding healthy tissues and nerves. The treatment is an excellent option for patients with arthritis or nerve pain in the cervical spine, lumbar spine, knees and hips. Treatment takes about 35 to 45 minutes and provides pain relief lasting a year to 18 months, improved physical function and reduced drug utilization.

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Because this treatment is opioid-free, it’s a much safer option for those with a history of substance abuse. And because patients are no longer living with pain, they are able to exercise again, further strengthening their muscles and improving their quality of life.

CentraState is one of only a few hospitals in the region to offer water-cooled radiofrequency ablation, performed by Dr. Maged Ghattas, who is board-certified in pain medicine and palliative medicine. Dr. Ghattas was trained to use COOLIEF at the prestigious pain management program at Ohio State University.

If you’d like to secure an interview with Dr. Maged Ghattas to further discuss this new option for pain relief, please contact Abbey Luterick, director of public relations, at 732-294-7082 (office) or 908-415-4193 (cell).

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