Freedman Chiropractic-The top three self-care habits of high performance people


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By Ken Freedman, DC

We all know of someone who just seems to have the Midas touch when it comes to everything they do. Whether it’s their business, their personal life, sports and their relationships, success comes so easy. What are the top three things that high performance people do on a regular basis?

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1.) They realize their thoughts determine their reality, so they choose the thoughts that serve them best: Love over indifference, kindness over righteousness, forgiveness over animosity, high self esteem over low self esteem, service to others over self entitlement, hope over fear.

2.) They invest time and money into themselves by having regular chiropractic checkups to detect, locate and correct impediments to the flow of proper energy, which are most commonly found in the spine. In my practice, peak performers choose to visit from once a month to once a week to keep their body and mind firing on all cylinders. They regularly purchase and consume good, wholesome foods and beverages, allocate time for a regular, varied exercise regimen, own a good mattress and pillow, and maintain a consistent sleep schedule.

3.) They associate with other high performance people who live a healthier lifestyle. Show me your friends and I know you!

When it comes to performing better, energy is the currency of success. Want to earn more, play better, love more, heal from a nagging ailment, live longer? Take a good look at your habits. History doesn’t have to repeat itself. Replace habits that support lackluster performance with ones that support your values. Our daily habits are a blueprint to the type of future we are building. You’re in control of all of it. When you’re ready, I’m here with the resources and experience to support your success in all of its forms.

In 2017, Freedman Chiropractic Center, LLC was recognized as Best Chiropractic Office in The Home News Tribune’s Readers’ Choice Awards. Since 1979, Dr. Ken Freedman has helped adults and children perform better. He is the chairman of the Middlesex County Health & Wellness Council and the president of the East Brunswick Advisory Health Council. Freedman Chiropractic Center, LLC is located at Brier Hill Court D-6 in East Brunswick. Day, evening and weekend hours are available, by appointment.

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