HILLSBOROUGH: Students gain college degrees


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Joseph Robert DeLorenzo, a 2012 graduate of Hillsborough High School, received Bachelor of Arts degrees in history and secondary education from Rowan University on May 12, 2016. Joe graduated cum laude and was a member of Phi Alpha Theta, a history honor society. He is currently substitute teaching in Woodlynne, near Camden.

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Michael Moccio of Hillsborough graduated from Emerson College, located in Boston, on Sunday, May 8, 2016. Michael earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in writing, literature and publishing.
An estimated 970 bachelor’s and 350 master’s degrees were conferred.
Novelist Alice Sebold, investigative reporter Juan Gonzalez and poet and essayist Danielle Legros Georges ’86 each received an honorary Doctor of Humane Letters degree. Ms. Sebold gave the undergraduate address and Ms. Legros Georges the graduate address.

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Six Hillsborough graduates were among the 1,159 bachelor’s, 519 master’s and 80 doctoral degrees conferred by Lehigh University in Bethlehem, Pa., on May 23, 2016.
Of the nearly 1,700 graduates, degree recipients came from 39 states and 16 countries, majoring in 70 different disciplines.
The Hillsborough students are:
Pooja Malhotra graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in behavioral neuroscience;
 — Vikram Allada, Bachelor of Science degree in accounting;
 — Maclean Price, Bachelor of Science degree in marketing;
– Christopher Petruzela, Bachelor of Science degree in computer science;
 — Allison Kent, Bachelor of Science degree in psychology;
—  Lauren Kowalczyk, Master of Education degree in special education.

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Alexander Psihoules of Hillsborough graduated from the University of New Hampshire during the commencement ceremony held Saturday, May 21, 2016, on the Durham campus. He earned a BSCIVE degree in civil engineering.
To have a student’s accomplishment printed, email words and photos to Managing Editor Gene Robbins at grobbins@centraljersey.com.

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