Mayor’s Update Cranbury: Community News, Ice Skating, Events, and Important Announcements for February 2025


Cranbury is full of activity as February begins, and there’s a lot to look forward to this month.

The cold weather has made perfect ice-skating conditions at Brainerd Lake, and the green flag has been up for five days straight.

Because of Jerry and his team at the Department of Public Works, the ice was tested quickly last week, and safe areas were marked for skating.

On Saturday night, the Cranbury Volunteer Fire Department added to the excitement by lighting up the lake.

Over the past few days, so many people have come out to enjoy this winter tradition.

But before you go, always check for the green flag.

If you don’t see it, the ice is unsafe for skating.

At the same time, the Senior Sub-Committee has been working on important plans for the year.

On January 21st, they met to discuss three main issues: adding more programs, keeping the Senior Center running well, and encouraging more people to sign up.

Because the school is still under construction, all Senior Center activities will continue at the Cranbury Public Library.

Donna Wycoff shared updates on the Senior Lunch Program, which has some fun upcoming events.

If anyone in town has a talent or skill and would like to perform or teach at a senior lunch, the committee would love to hear from you.

You will be pleased to know that signing up is easy, and forms are available at Town Hall and online.

At the last Township Committee meeting, Cranbury honored Chief Michael Owens for his 26 years of service in the police department.

It was an emotional night, and many people shared their appreciation for everything he had done for the town.

If you missed it, you can watch the video on the Cranbury Township website.

In addition, the Cranbury Housing Authority held its annual meeting and shared an update on the Eden House project on Old Cranbury Road, a new four-bedroom group home that will help provide much-needed housing for residents.

During the meeting, Mark Berkowsky gave a presentation to explain the site layout and future plans.

Because of the hard work of the Cranbury Housing Authority, this project is moving forward smoothly.

At the same time, pet owners should keep in mind that the deadline to renew pet licenses is this Friday.

So far, 210 dogs and 32 cats have been registered.

If you still need to renew your pet’s license, you can do it online or stop by Town Hall.

Last Saturday, the Annual Rabies Clinic took place at the Firehouse on 2 South Main Street, where 33 dogs got their vaccinations.

Thanks to the Cranbury Board of Health, this event helps keep pets in town healthy every year.

Looking ahead, there are plenty of fun activities planned for February.

Every Tuesday—February 4th, 11th, 18th, and 25th—cardio Chair Dance classes will be held at the Cranbury Public Library from 10:30 to 11:30 AM.

Also, on February 5th, the Cranbury School Strategic Planning Meeting will be held online via Zoom.

This is a great opportunity for parents and residents to learn about the school’s future and share their thoughts.

Although it’s still a couple of months away, the Cranbury Stream Cleanup will be held on April 12th from 9:00 to 11:00 AM.

Planning ahead for this event is always a good idea, as it’s an important way to help keep the environment clean.

Still, the Bedtime Kit Drive at the Cranbury Public Library continues through February and March.

They are collecting new stuffed animals, bedtime books, pajamas (for infants, toddlers, children, and teens), toothbrushes, and toothpaste.

Every donation helps children in need, so anyone who can contribute is encouraged to do so.

For those interested in learning CPR, Penn Medicine Princeton Medical Center is offering free Family & Friends CPR classes throughout February.

Several township meetings are coming up for those who want to stay informed.

  • February 3rd – Board of Health Meeting at 7:00 PM
  • February 5th – Zoning Board of Adjustment Meeting at 7:00 PM
  • February 6th – Planning Board Meeting at 7:00 PM

Additionally, there are open positions on local boards and commissions for anyone looking to get involved in the community.

The town is looking for members to fill spots on the Environmental Commission, Municipal Alliance, Parks & Recreation Commission, Shade Tree Commission, and Zoning Board.

Meanwhile, the latest meeting minutes have been posted, including updates from:

  • Municipal Alliance meeting on November 19, 2024
  • Environmental Commission meeting on December 16, 2024
  • Historic Preservation Commission meeting on December 17, 2024
  • Township Committee meeting on January 13, 2025

Also, two new ordinances—Ordinance No. 1-25-01 and Ordinance No. 1-25-02—have been approved.

As you can see from the latest Cranbury community news, the town is full of activity this month.

So, stay warm, stay safe, and enjoy everything happening in Cranbury this February!