Hillsborough, [October 2024] – Hillsborough High School Thespian Troupe 10385 is kicking off this year’s TOTs Eats non perishable drive starting October 1st until November 1st!
Annually Troupe #10385 of Hillsborough High School hosts a non-perishable drive to combat child hunger. They partner with businesses and elementary schools to create platforms to collect donations across the community, and build awareness about how close to home child hunger really is. Each year students also ask for donations while Trick or Treating. This year find donation boxes at:
Hillsborough Starbucks (Earn a FREE Tall Coffee or Tea With Each Donation)
Habitat for Humanity
Hillsborough Elementary
Triangle Elementary
Woodfern Elementary
Amsterdam Elementary
Hillsborough High School
St. Thomas Syro-Malabar Catholic Forane Church
All donations go back to the Hillsborough community, as they donate all proceeds to the Hillsborough CAN association. Last year, Thespian Troupe #10385 collected over 600 lbs of donations and was awarded the TOTs Eats “Unsung Hero” award, (for having the highest percent increase from the previous year in donations) and was awarded a proclamation of excellence in fighting child hunger from the State Senate. They hope that you will help them in reaching their goals this year by donating non-perishable items
Trick Or Treat so Kids Can Eat is a non-perishable item drive that The New Jersey Thespian Honor Society encourages each of their troupes across the state to participate in during the month of October, and to compete for the most pounds of donations collected!
Email Ava Clarke at [email protected] with any questions!