Red Bank Middle School wins National Red Ribbon Photo Contest


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Staff Writer

RED BANK — Red Bank Middle School has a lot to celebrate this holiday season, especially after winning the 2016 National Red Ribbon Photo Contest.

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Led by Vice Principal James Pierson, students, faculty and staff decorated the entire campus with this year’s theme: “YOLO. Be Drug Free.” YOLO is an acronym for the phrase “you only live once.”

The contest was held in addition to the school’s traditional Red Ribbon Week (Oct. 23-31), which is dedicated to promoting the commitment of a healthy and drug-free lifestyle.

National Red Ribbon Week is the nation’s oldest and largest drug-prevention campaign sponsored by the National Family Partnership (NFP).

Pierson understands the significance of such a program in schools.

“Drug prevention is so important, and middle school is an important age to receive that message,” he said. “What I love most about Red Ribbon Week is engaging the kids. We had 200 students involved in the photo for the contest, and it certainly helped us further our conversations about being drug free.”

The first National Red Ribbon Week was organized by the NFP in 1988. The organization continues to sponsor the campaign for families, schools and communities across the nation each year. It has already touched the lives of millions, as it promotes drug-free living.

NFP President Peggy Sapp explained why the contest means so much.

“An estimated 80 million people celebrate Red Ribbon Week each year,” she said. “We designed the contest to involve families, schools and communities in delivering the drug-prevention message to children while promoting a healthy and drug-free lifestyle. We are so impressed by the winners and their wonderful stories about spreading the Red Ribbon message in their homes, schools and communities.”

Close to 100,000 votes were cast in support of over 400 entries this year.

Prizes included an iPad presented to Pierson and $1,000 to the school for drug-prevention programs. Both prizes were donated by the contest’s co-sponsor: the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA).

Acting DEA Administrator Chuck Rosenberg congratulated everyone who entered.

“Congratulations to all of the Red Ribbon Photo Contest participants. This is a great way to spread the prevention message and educate students and families about drug abuse,” he said.

To see all of the 2016 winning photos, visit To learn more about Red Ribbon Week, visit



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