WB Sentinel Opinion

People, dogs join together to fight cancer

On Sunday, April 29, volunteers from the American Cancer Society will be joining forces with residents of New Jersey and their dogs to take steps toward a common goal: the...

Tort reform needed to combat frivolous lawsuits

Whenever the drivers of New Jersey’s highest in the nation property taxes are debated, the finger is rarely...

Vietnam Veterans’ Memorial Foundation grateful for support

On behalf of everyone at the New Jersey Vietnam Veterans’ Memorial Foundation (NJVVMF) and those we serve, best...

Being silent is not an option

Unless people speak out against a bigoted racist like Carl Paladino, despicable comments like his become acceptable and...

Reader supports congressional investigation of presidential election

As my congressional representative for the 4th District, I am respectfully urging Congressman Chris Smith to add his...

WB Sentinel Opinion

Thank an EMS volunteer

As we embark on another season of giving thanks, I ask New Jerseyans to count volunteer EMS responders among their blessings. Often “invisible,” this...

How will Trump respond?

I am an early sleeper and early riser. I woke up on Wednesday, anticipating a glass-ceiling-shattering victory for Hillary; the totally unexpected happened. As expected,...

‘Let’s all take a deep breath’ and support our president, country

I am so saddened by the reaction of young people to the election of our new president-to-be. To reach the age of at least...

Stop treating drug addiction as a criminal issue

The Hazlet Township Committee in Monmouth County is on the right track in planning to offer recovery counselors to persons facing a heroin overdose,...

‘Yes’ vote on Question 1 will boost equine industry

On behalf of the Standardbred Breeders and Owners Association of New Jersey (SBOANJ) and the thousands of people who work in New Jersey’s equine...

Learn warning signs of stroke, act F.A.S.T.

When I suffered a stroke at age 28, I didn’t realize that a stroke could happen to me. After suffering from dizzy spells and...

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Community Events

New Jersey Shipwrecks

33rd Hermes Expo FREE networking event

33rd Hermes Expo FREE networking event

Drunk Black History Show (Juneteenth Celebration)

Drunk Black History Show (Juneteenth Celebration)