Rutgers Master Gardeners of Monmouth County Spring Garden Days Plant Sale
Friday, May 17 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Saturday, May 18 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Rain or shine – cash or checks (no credit cards)
Hanging baskets
Vegetables and herbs
Trees and shrubs
Home and garden décor
Free horticultural presentations (see reverse side)
Free garden tours (see reverse side)
Free composting demonstrations
Free gardening Q&A with Rutgers Master Gardeners
Friday, May 17
10:00 Tomatoes and Peppers and Eggplants – Oh My!
11:00 Superb Herbs
12:00 Our Busy Native Bees
1:00 Annuals: Stars of the Summer Garden
Saturday, May 18
10:00 Stop and Smell the Roses
11:00 Helpful Hints for Happy Houseplants
12:00 Enjoying Hummingbirds: Masters of Beauty and Disguise
Free Tours (every hour weather permitting)
- Native plant garden
- Rain garden
- Monarch waystation and pollinator garden
- Vegetable gardens
- Herb garden and Composting Area