Therapy Transforms an Anxious Woman\’s First Pregnancy


Sat, Jul 24, 2021    
11:00 am - 12:00 pm

Event Type

The American College of Orgonomy is hosting a free webinar on Saturday, July 24, 2021 from 11:00AM to 12:00PM (EDT) as part of its Case Presentation Series. Theodota Chasapi, M.D. will present, “Therapy Transforms an Anxious Woman’s First Pregnancy” in a discussion with interviewer/host Edward Chastka, M.D. Following their conversation, you will have the opportunity to ask questions by on-line chat. Please note that because Dr. Chasapi will be talking to us from Greece this webinar is scheduled earlier than usual.
Anna, a 35-year-old primary school teacher, came to therapy because of debilitating anxiety attacks. Married for four years, she was in the ninth week of her first pregnancy. Nausea and vomiting started as early as the second week and made it impossible for her to work. A plethora of physical symptoms followed and anxiety attacks made daily life and nighttime unbearable. She felt helpless and trapped staying in bed most of the time, dependent on her parents’ help to survive.
Hear how, during the course of 19 therapy sessions with Dr. Chasapi, Anna grew from a helpless “little girl” to a mature woman who gained her independence, took responsibility for her life and, ultimately, came to enjoy her maternity, bonding with her baby even before birth.
We hope you will join us to hear more about Dr. Chasapi’s journey with Anna.
The webinar will be facilitated by Zoom and will last approximately one hour. Attendance is free. Registration is required.