Dr. Grace Spitaletto – transformational life coach


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Dr. Grace’s focus is on you and providing custom prevention and wellness programs. Because our society has seen a rapid rise in injuries and conditions – including joint pain, diabetes, heart disease and sports injuries – Dr. Grace will create a personalized health and wellness program to help you achieve positive balance for your body, mind and spirit. In achieving your optimal wellness,

Dr. Grace will focus on getting to the heart of your issues and develop a personalized treatment plan to improve your overall being.

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Lack of energy, getting proper sleep, battling weight loss, fighting chronic pain … Dr. Grace can help you. Nutrition and shedding unwanted pounds can improve all of these, as well as your overall health and wellness.

Dr. Grace is a master holistic transformational life coach who will work with you to create a customized plan that fits your lifestyle and budget. She will also provide information and education about food allergies and other dangers that will help you make the best food choices for your successful future. Let’s get started. It’s all about you. Feel your best and “Be Your Best!”

Call 888-809-1118 or email askme@drgracespitaletto.com.

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