Vote Holmes and Wright


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To the editor:

My name is Cindy Scott and I have been a Hillsborough resident for 38 years. I have known Olivia Holmes for decades, and I am pleased and proud to endorse her for a position on the Hillsborough Township Committee.

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Olivia is, and has always been, about what is best for Hillsborough. Her passion and enthusiasm for our town is unparalleled. Anyone who knows her, or meets her, can feel her honesty and unselfish dedication. She has served on many committees to improve our township, and has been an active Hillsborough resident for over 30 years. She would be a tremendous asset to the township committee, and a passionate advocate for the citizens of Hillsborough to do what is best for our town in a responsible and transparent way.

For example, Hillsborough needs better planned development as overall development in some areas has only worsened traffic congestion. We also need to attract new businesses to occupy the empty storefronts and reduce the tax burden for our residents. We need a holistic, realistic and financially prudent plan to improve our township roads, and to revisit the concept of a ‘town center’ for all residents.

Olivia Holmes and Jeffrey Wright are the kind of people our township committee needs. This is why I am wholeheartedly endorsing them for our township committee.

Cindy Scott PhD.


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