‘Beat the Winter Blues’

Photo courtesy of Montgomery Township Montgomery Health Department tables at the Services Fair on March 14, 2023.

Community health and wellness is a priority of Mayor Neena Singh, and earlier this year Montgomery joined 400 other municipalities by signing onto New Jersey Health
Quality Institute’s Mayors Wellness Campaign.

One of the core tenants of the program is encouraging healthy behavior community-wide through collaborative events.

This month, the campaign is holding a winter event titled “Beat the Winter Blues” that aims to address physical, emotional and social health challenges that usually arise during the colder time of year.

“We’re bringing together healthcare providers and the community to share tips that will power us all through the final few weeks of winter,” Singh said.

“We are grateful for the outpouring of community support for the Mayors Wellness Campaign and encourage everyone to join us at our event.”

In addition to the health programming, Montgomery Friends of Open Space will be holding one of their winter farmers’ markets in the same building.

What: Beat the Winter Blues – a health education program that is part of the Mayors Wellness Campaign

Who: Mayor Neena Singh, Health Director Devangi Patel, Jennifer Furey (Licensed
Professional Counselor), Surbhi Alaigh (Healthy Mind Health Body Initiative), Jennifer Korneski (Rutgers Cooperative Extension), Prevention Resources Inc., Youth Action Board,
Montgomery Library

When: Saturday, Feb. 24, 11 a.m. – 1 p.m.

Where: Montgomery Municipal Center (100 Community Dr., Skillman, NJ 08558)