Labyrinth Books – an island of prejudice


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To the editor:

Thursday night, Labrynth Books sponsored a “Teach In” entitled “Israeli troops killing Palestinians in Gaza,” featuring the notorious anti-Zionist, Norman Finkelstein. The program corresponded with both the long-promised move of the United States Embassy to what many believe is its rightful location in West Jerusalem and the orchestrated attempts by the U.S. designated terrorist organization Hamas to invade Israel from Gaza.

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What is noteworthy about the event is that no one was invited to present the Israeli side of the story. While masquerading as a book signing, I and many other Princetonians regard the event as an outright anti-Semitic gathering. While the left argues that anti-Zionism isn’t synonymous with anti-Semitism, a powerful argument can be made that this is simply not so.

Nikki Haley, our nation’s United Nations representative, opined on Tuesday that “no country would show the restraint that Israel has shown” about the Hamas Gaza rioters. Meanwhile, Labyrinth Books has chosen to portray Israel as murderers.

I am deeply offended by the one-sided nature of the event. Let’s not fool ourselves – the program sowed civil discord and reeked with hatred and prejudice.

Labrynth Books should be soundly condemned for sponsoring this charade of objective discourse on a very sensitive subject. Townspeople of good will should consider whether Labyrinth Books qualifies as a good neighbor.

Nelson Obus


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