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Annual book sale a huge success

Thank you to everyone who helped to make the Friends & Foundation of Princeton Public Library's (PPL) 2023 Annual Book Sale a huge success!...

Princeton resident supports Hubbard for BOE

I devoted most of my professional career working for educational reform. I spent 20 years of my retirement volunteering at Community Park School. I...

No to warehouses

Warehouses…we don't want them. Here are some reasons why we should not have warehouses anywhere in Hillsborough: The road infrastructure was not built for heavy trucks,...

Proposed Pennington storm water ordinance unfair

There is a proposed Pennington ordinance that was introduced at the September council meeting, and it is scheduled for hearing and vote on Oct....

Princeton resident supports Bierman for school board

Adam Bierman is knowledgeable, experienced and deeply committed to public education. He has a proven track record of success as a teacher and understands...

Sourland Spectacular a success

On behalf of the staff, board, and members of the Sourland Conservancy, I would like to sincerely thank our Sourland Spectacular cyclists, volunteers, vendors, and community partners who helped make...