Independent Opinion

League of Women Voters seeking support for ‘Dreamers’

On behalf of the members of the League of Women Voters of Monmouth County, we ask you to join us in urging Congress to enact a permanent legislative solution...

Early in-person voting will take place from Oct. 29 to Nov. 6

Last year a new state law was passed mandating early in-person voting as an option in New Jersey....

Charter Study Commission member asks Holmdel residents to vote ‘yes’

Unfortunately, there has been a lot of misinformation and fear-mongering spread about the recommendations of the Holmdel Charter...

Consumers can find Jersey Fresh produce

Jersey Fresh is all local! We see all around us the wonder of spring and the anticipation of...

Grieving mom wants true account of how son died training as SEAL

Editor's note: The author of this Your Turn guest column is Regina Mullen, whose son, Kyle Mullen, 24,...

Independent Opinion

New Jersey’s wine industry enjoying a renaissance

You may be surprised to learn that two New Jerseyans started our state’s wine industry almost two decades before the American Revolution. At the time,...

Northeast supply line is necessary for energy, economy

The Engineers Labor-Employer Cooperative (ELEC) represents nearly 7,000 Local 825 operating engineers and the signatory contractors who employ them. ELEC focuses on promoting economic...

Vote third party this year

Clinton and Trump. Are you listening to these two? They are making it crystal clear (because of their greed, they can’t help themselves) that when...

For good health, bathe in a forest

By Michele S. Byers With 130 miles of coastline, New Jersey residents know all about the joys of sunbathing at the beach, but how about...

For the Record

  Jersey Jay Wymbs, owner of Red Bank's Pogue Mahone Tattoo Company, is a member of the Inkfusion Empire created by Marc Draven. The group holds...

Democratic candidates worthy of support

President John F. Kennedy said we need leaders who “can guide us through darkness to a safe and sure future” (acceptance speech, July...

Celebrate National Security Officer Appreciation Week

Security officers are hard-working, highly trained men and women who deter crime, lead evacuations, provide information, work closely with local law enforcement and are...

Police officer concerned about intraracial violence

Just as America recently celebrated Labor Day, Chicago also reached a notable milestone as well with its 500th homicide. It’s a milestone that is not...

High school athletics serve a greater purpose

I was filled with Garden State-centric pride watching 17-year-old Union Catholic High School student Sydney McLaughlin compete in the Rio Olympics, and I thoroughly...

Arts have a place in schools

In 2010, Congress declared the second week of September as National Arts in Education Week. As we usher in a new chapter of American...

Freeholder encouraged to ask governor to resign

The article, "Officials Concerned over Monmouth Park " (Aug. 25, Independent), is amazing. All of a sudden Freeholder Thomas Arnone is concerned about the...

Union scale wages affect need for gas tax hike

We are told that there is a deficit in the transportation fund. Whose fault is that? Are we taxed too little? Of course not. The...

It’s time to switch to LED lighting

Our municipalities pay JCP&L for the electrical energy consumed in lighting our public buildings and for the street lights, which are considered to be...

Middletown residents oppose JCP&L project

As residents of Middletown, we are both strongly opposed to the Monmouth County Reliability Project, which is the JCP&L monopole high towers. We do believe...

Summer Theater Workshop program earns kudos

Kudos to the directors, Linda Viel and Gerard Wells, as well as other staff and volunteers, for the wonderful Summer Theater Workshop program held...

Utility’s project isn’t needed, won’t improve reliability

JCP&L's Monmouth County Reliability Project to install air-insulated, high-voltage wires along 10 miles of NJ Transit's tracks from Matawan through three additional towns to...

Reader: Let’s take our country back

I am an octogenarian. Hopefully, I will be voting in the November general election. This morning after seeing and hearing the news, I had to...

‘We are neighbors first’

As a candidate on the campaign trail here in Monmouth County, I am struck by the level of divisiveness seeping from our national discourse...

Current Issue

Community Events

Henry Inman Chess Club

Henry Inman Chess Club

Estate Planning and Probate South Brunswick Library

Call Me Isiah--a free staged reading

Call Me Isiah--a free staged reading

Read & Pick Program: Vegetables