News Transcript Opinion

League of Women Voters seeking support for ‘Dreamers’

On behalf of the members of the League of Women Voters of Monmouth County, we ask you to join us in urging Congress to enact a permanent legislative solution...

Early in-person voting will take place from Oct. 29 to Nov. 6

Last year a new state law was passed mandating early in-person voting as an option in New Jersey....

Marlboro resident supports Andy Kim for Congress

President John F. Kennedy said the highest form of service "is not to utter words, but to live...

Resident supports Kane for Manalapan-Englishtown school board

This fall, I strongly urge all of Manalapan's voters to re-elect David Kane to the Manalapan- Englishtown Regional School...

State budget deserved support from Assembly members

I am perplexed about a letter from my Legislative District 11 state Assembly members Marilyn Piperno and Kim...

News Transcript Opinion

Voters have a chance to turn New Jersey red

The quote, “If Ciattarelli has anything on his side, it is history,” refers to the fact that Republicans have unseated Democratic governors in their...

Gov. Murphy needs to be recalled

Every one of my friends have come to the same conclusion about Gov. Murphy: He needs to be recalled and, at the same time,...

County budget is a sound financial plan

On May 27, the Monmouth County Board of County Commissioners unanimously adopted the 2021 county budget in the amount of $452,650,000, which is $150,000...

League calls on citizens to become involved

According to the Pew Research Center, no matter what your party affiliation, there is equal agreement that citizens should follow what happens in government...

Resident: Gov. Murphy has impressive accomplishments

While having lunch with a friend, she asked what Gov. Phil Murphy has done for us. This letter is to answer that question. Below...

NJ Sharing Network marks National Donate Life Month in April

By Joseph S. Roth Spring has now brought us a renewed spirit and hope as we look forward to the months ahead when we will...

Time for change in local congressional district

The American Rescue Plan, a $ 1.9 trillion federal stimulus package, will provide benefits to our country and to us locally in Monmouth County....

BPU must deny rate increase proposed by New Jersey Natural Gas

By Jeff Tittel The New Jersey Natural Gas Company has filed a rate case with the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (BPU). The petition...

Resident questions Smith’s vote on rescue plan

I can’t imagine that Congressman Chris Smith actually believed he represents constituents in New Jersey's Fourth Congressional District when he voted against the American...

Opinion: New Jersey should make patients a priority by issuing more medical marijuana permits

As a cancer survivor living with multiple sclerosis, I’ve experienced many symptoms over the years where medical marijuana would have made such a difference...

Opinion: One year later, pandemic fear erased at Chelsea communities

It was March 12, 2020, when COVID-19 arrived and our assisted living communities locked down. Visitation was stopped, residents had to be isolated in...

Business is ‘cautiously optimistic’ the worst may be over

What a difference a year makes. It was March 12, 2020, when COVID-19 arrived and our assisted living communities locked down. Visitation was stopped,...

Marlboro resident Bob Hartman made his mark in local media on TV-34

A proud member of the Freehold Regional High School Class of 1967 and a man with whom I worked for many years has passed...

Democrats must take credit for passing COVID relief bill

Let’s make one thing crystal clear. The U.S. Senate, as a whole, did not pass the COVID relief bill; the Democrats in the Senate...

New law will keep parents in the dark about children’s use of alcohol, marijuana

By Thomas A. Arnone I am making this statement on behalf of myself and the Monmouth County Board of County Commissioners. The majority of New Jersey...

Biden is trying to move America forward

I had the privilege of chairing Columbia University Students for Kennedy and then serving as a volunteer staff associate for his brother, Sen. Robert...

Change societal ways with the Golden Rule

The culture and politics of our nation has declined. Identity politics and group thinking overtakes. The mainstream media only reports the “safe” issues while...

New Jerseyans show caring spirit with support for NJ Sharing Network

By Joseph S. Roth Thanks to the support of our team members, healthcare partners and dedicated volunteers, 2020 was a record-breaking year for NJ Sharing Network’s...

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Community Events

35th Anniversary Reunion Concer

35th Anniversary Reunion Concer

Play It Forward - Charity Golf Outing

Play It Forward - Charity Golf Outing

Princeton Pianists Ensemble Concert: Equinox

Princeton Pianists Ensemble Concert: Equinox