A non-surgical solution for low back pain and sciatica


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VAX-D, short for Vertebral Axial Decompression, is a patented, non-surgical therapy for low back pain and sciatica. It has been shown in clinical studies to be an effective, conservative treatment for bulging, herniated, or degenerative discs and facet syndrome. Even post surgical patients and those suffering from certain types of stenosis (a narrowing of the spinal canal) have reported significant pain relief from VAX-D treatments.

VAX-D – not to be confused with linear traction – lengthens and decompresses the spine. High intradiscal pressures are reversed, achieving negative pressures via a patented, slow ramp-up process. Negative pressure creates a vacuum inside the discs, which not only takes pressure off of pinched nerves, but helps to re-position bulging discs and pull extruded disc material back into place.

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Spinal experts surmise that nutrients, oxygen and fluids are drawn into the disc, stimulating the body’s repair mechanism to provide the building blocks necessary to mend injured discs. VAX- D’s process is the only patented treatment clinically proven to decrease disc pressures to the negative levels needed to facilitate healing!

Leading physicians in orthopedic medicine, pain medicine, neurology and other specialties in hundreds of clinics around the world currently utilize VAX-D’s patented technology. Many doctors choose VAX-D over other devices because it employs the original, patented technology from which non-surgical spinal decompression therapy was born. VAX-D makes a commitment to back pain sufferers to offer an honest product, backed by clinical research. VAX-D gives you real science with real results.

“I hurt my back when I picked up a suitcase the wrong way,” patient Amanda I said. “I was given traction exercises and experienced temporary relief, but a few months later, I was experiencing continuous pain again, and sought out a different doctor. An MRI showed that I’d herniated my L5-S1 disc, and I started VAX-D treatment the very next day.

“After only the first visit I felt the pain in my lower back decrease from a 9 to a 2 on a scale of 1 to 10, Amanda said. “A month after I began the treatment, I left the country for a semester abroad and had no problem with the 10-hour flight or walking all over Europe. Thanks to my doctor and the VAX-D treatment, I was able to take full advantage of my stay without back pain.”

At Northeast Spine and Sports Medicine, we help cure your pain and prevent it from returning. Each treatment typically lasts 45 minutes and can be done in our Aberdeen, Jackson, Point Pleasant, Barnegat and Manchester offices. To schedule an appointment call 732-997-4988 or visit us at www.northeastspineandsports.com for more information.

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