Retired teacher wants to serve community


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By Matthew Sockol
Staff Writer

MILLSTONE – A retired teacher is seeking to give Democrats representation on the Township Committee. All five seats on the governing body are currently held by Republicans.

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Democrat Thomas Cantalice, a retired teacher and the current manager of the Oceanport branch of the Monmouth County Library, has filed a nominating petition to seek a three-year term on Millstone Township’s governing body. He is making his first bid for public office.

Cantalice and Democrat Ray Dothard will challenge Republican incumbents Michael Kuczinski and Fiore Masci for two available three-year terms.

The candidates from both slates will be unopposed in the June 6 primary as they seek positions on the Nov. 7 general election ballot.

Cantalice, who has been a resident of Millstone Township for 14 years, was president of the Freehold Regional High School District Education Association in 2005. He served on the Negotiations Committee for the union for several contracts and was a building representative.

“I am seeking election for several reasons,” he said. “I think it is very important to have multiple points of view on governing structures, whether they are township committees or other groups that make decisions about public concerns and issues.

“Secondly, I am a pragmatic thinker who is open to hearing all views and solving problems not solely based on party affiliation or other limiting points of view,” Cantalice said. “Generally, I take the long view on problems and work to understand the ramifications of decisions.

“Lastly, I believe my measured approach to making decisions and solving problems can help combat the severe polarization that is widespread in today’s society as a whole and politics in particular,” he said.

Dothard and Masci were quoted in a previous Examiner article about the municipal election. Kuczinski has not responded to a request for comment on his bid for re-election.

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