Mercer County offers internship opportunities


Applications are now open for the 2024 Mercer County Student Internship Program.

High school and college students who live, or attend school, in Mercer County may apply to a wide range of full-time and part-time internship positions. Internship opportunities are available over the summer from June through Labor Day, with a limited number of spots also available over the Winter Break and Spring Break periods.

“I’m excited for the Mercer County Student Internship Program to return this year,” County Executive Dan Benson said. “These positions offer us an opportunity to engage our next generation of leaders in the important work of county government. We all benefit from the energy and enthusiasm that they bring to the work.”

Students in the program will have the opportunity to serve the public by assisting the core day-to-day work of a department or division within the Mercer County government, while acquiring valuable experience for their future careers. Participants will also benefit from a series of activities planned by the Office of Personnel, curated to teach valuable skills, enhance workforce preparedness, and provide information about career paths in public service.

Interested students can visit the Mercer County website at to apply, find information on the program, and read details on available positions.

College students will be paid $17/hour and high school students will earn $15.14/hour. All applicants must be at least 15 years of age. Students seeking to earn credits for their college or university have the option of working without pay.

The application deadline for Summer Student Internships is May 3.