Lori Clinch

Author Content

When the urge to clean strikes, it strikes hard

I have been known to have a clean house. There was that time last November when I got on a roll. Then there was...

And, spare us the elevator music

By Lori Clinch Today’s technological world is moving along at an incredible pace. Televisions are crystal clear and cell phones have replaced cameras, flashlights and...

Public speaking? No grade is high enough for that assignment

By Lori Clinch There are many ways to prepare oneself for public speaking. Some folks like to do relaxation techniques, focus their mental energy and...

Remembering what to say is a full-time occupation

By Lori Clinch Having a bad memory is awful enough, but when I’m around my husband and our four sons, it’s the worst! They are all...

A family that always sees the can as half-empty

By Lori Clinch Although we are painfully close to being empty nesters, we still get to enjoy the company of our children from time to...

If it isn’t too cold, it’s too darned hot

By Lori Clinch Old Man Winter is long gone and I, for one, could not have been happier to bid him a fond adieu. Sure, he...