
LOOSE ENDS 5/28: Class Day

By Pam Hersh My favorite Princeton University graduation event is neither the commencement nor the baccalaureate ceremony, but rather a celebration that is a bit more obscure – and in...

LOOSE ENDS 5/14: Community Police Initiative

By Pam Hersh The bulletin board in Small World Coffee on Witherspoon Street is actually an art exhibit of...

LOOSE ENDS 4/23: Arts Council of Princeton Artistic Director Maria Evans

By Pam Hersh Like a good neighbor, the Arts Council of Princeton is there – to re-phrase a certain...

LOOSE ENDS 4/16: Bob Bruschi

By Pam Hersh Bob is back, not for long, but just long enough for Princeton to benefit from his...

LOOSE ENDS 4/9: Phyllis Marchand

By Pam Hersh “Breaking News” said the news alert that popped up on my phone. “Baseball’s Opening Day matchup...


LOOSE ENDS 7/3: An interview with the Mayor of Princeton

By Pam Hersh When you tell your friends and colleagues that you are retiring one year before you actually leave, that last year at work...

LOOSE ENDS 6/26: Raising awareness for lung cancer

By Pam Hersh Two weeks ago, I received an email from my friend Isabella de la Houssaye asking me to join her friends and family...

LOOSE ENDS 6/19: Joe Greene and his company

By Pam Hersh I am no Pollyanna, but I discovered several glass-is-half-full aspects of this COVID-19 pandemic. The very clean glass becomes even fuller when...

LOOSE ENDS 6/12: The Princeton Ballet School (PBS) of the American Repertory Ballet performs its annual school show virtually

By Pam Hersh A birthday celebration on June 13 will have a particularly graceful, albeit virtual, demeanor, when the Princeton Ballet School (PBS) of the...

LOOSE ENDS 5/29: Princeton artist Ryan Stark Lilienthal

By Pam Hersh In the current phase of social isolation life, I became particularly nostalgic for social mingling, when I walked past Small World (the...

LOOSE ENDS 5/22: Reopening of Alexander Road pales in comparison to COVID-19 crisis

By Pam Hersh In hyperbolic language similar to what I hear from my six-year-old grandson, several of my friends declared a few months ago that...

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Community Events

35th Anniversary Reunion Concer

35th Anniversary Reunion Concer

Play It Forward - Charity Golf Outing

Play It Forward - Charity Golf Outing

Princeton Pianists Ensemble Concert: Equinox

Princeton Pianists Ensemble Concert: Equinox