A 28-year-old East Windsor Township man was charged with disorderly conduct, driving under the influence and other offenses after allegedly cursing at a police officer and damaging a patrol car at 8:40 p.m. Feb. 25, according to the East Windsor Police Department.
He was also charged with criminal mischief, having an open container of alcohol in a motor vehicle, consumption of alcohol in a motor vehicle, refusal to submit to a breath test, careless driving and reckless driving.
A police officer was sent to the Twin Rivers Shell gas station to investigate reports of a man drinking beer in his truck. The officer found the man sitting in the truck with the key in the ignition and the engine running, police said.
The man was arrested after failing field sobriety tests and allegedly became belligerent during the arrest process, police said. He allegedly began yelling profanities in the parking lot.
While he was being driven to the East Windsor Police Department headquarters for processing, he allegedly broke the inner door handle on the rear passenger door panel in the patrol car, police said.
He was processed and released.