Tea for Three: Lady Bird, Pat & Betty” is a captivating one-woman show that brings to life the personal narratives of three influential First Ladies. The play, co-authored by Eric H. Weinberger and Elaine Bromka, who also stars, offers a unique window into the lives of Lady Bird Johnson, Pat Nixon, and Betty Ford. It’s a heartfelt portrayal set against the backdrop of the White House, revealing the complexities and emotions tied to their roles.
The Sieminski Theater in Basking Ridge will host this engaging performance on June 9th at 2:30 pm, promising an afternoon of reflection and connection with these influential women, whose stories deserve to be heard.
The show has been praised for its nuanced acting and the depth it brings to the stories of these women, often overshadowed by their presidential husbands. Set in the family quarters of the White House, the play unfolds in three scenes, each focusing on one of the women as they confide their stories to the audience. Secrets are spilled about their early years, their husbands’ rise to power, their romances with the men, and their feelings about imminent retirement. Each of the three portraits becomes intimate, by degrees, as the women wrestle with what Pat Nixon called “the hardest unpaid job in the world.” This deeply moving narrative is an insightful and humanizing portrayal of these three First Ladies, which resonates with the audience.
Elaine Bromka’s portrayal in “Tea for Three” is celebrated for its nuanced and authentic depiction of First Ladies, earning her widespread acclaim. Her extensive experience, including an Emmy Award and roles on PBS’s “The Presidents,” enriches her performance. The play, co-created with Eric H. Weinberger, offers a compelling blend of education and emotion, making it a highly recommended experience for those fascinated by the personal dimensions of political history. Tickets are available at sieminslitheater.org or call the box office at 908-580-3892.
“Even Silence Is Steeped in Emotion” – NY Times
“Will stay with you…” – The Villager “A first-class portrayal.”
– The Examiner “Delightful and insightful…don’t miss it!” – CurtainUp
“Bromka wonderfully embodies the three women…lighthearted…gently humorous.”
– This Week in New York
“Whether you are a Democrat or a Republican, a liberal or a conservative – and even if you do not like politics – TEA FOR THREE is worth seeing.” – Daily Record, NJ