Paid service will cover daytime first aid calls in Millstone


By Matthew Sockol
Staff Writer

MILLSTONE – The Millstone Township Volunteer First Aid Squad is entering a contract with EMS Consulting Services, Hammonton, through which the company will provide daytime ambulance services in the community.

The ambulance services will be provided from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. seven days a week, according to municipal officials, who said ambulances will be stationed in Millstone.

Volunteers with the first aid squad will continue to respond to calls for assistance between 6 p.m. and 6 a.m.

Professional ambulance services were discussed at a Township Committee meeting on Aug. 17.

Deputy Mayor Michael Kuczinski said the move was made because the first aid squad is understaffed.

“We have been having some difficulties with ambulance service, specifically during daytime hours,” Kuczinski said. “(Millstone) is not comprised of the volunteer base we had in the past and (the first aid squad) is having a difficult time getting adequate and qualified volunteers to fill those gaps.”

He said the professional ambulance services could be extended to nighttime hours if necessary.

According to municipal officials, a resident who receives care from EMS Consulting Services will receive a bill, but if he is insured his insurance company’s payment will be accepted as payment in full and he will not be billed for the balance of the services provided.

Committee members passed a resolution that requires Millstone residents who receive services from the first aid squad or any third party provider to be forgiven and held harmless from liability, any balance billing or out of pocket expenses as a condition of the annual funding the Township Committee provides to the first aid squad.

“There will be billing for the services to those who receive the services with the expectation that insurance money will be paid so we can help fund the operation,” Committeeman Gary Dorfman said. “As part of the process, a bill will be generated for the balance of the bill not covered by the insurance, but as part of the conditions, this provider (EMS Consulting Services) will hold harmless any Millstone resident for the balance and will not submit it to collection or credit agencies.”

Representatives of the first aid squad approached the governing body with the idea of entering a contract with EMS Consulting Services, according to officials.

“This is a contract between the first aid squad and the third party contractor,” Mayor Bob Kinsey said. “The reason why we have to pass the resolution is because of the money we give to the first aid squad.”

Kuczinski said non-Millstone residents who receive care from EMS Consulting Services will be subject to pay the balance of their bill after their insurance company makes a payment to the corporation.

Kinsey, Kuczinski, Dorfman and Committeewoman Nancy Grbelja voted in favor of the resolution. Committeeman Fiore Masci was absent.