Disability Allies to hold ‘Sunday Funday’ April 17 at Rutgers’ Douglass Campus Center


Disability Allies and the Future Teachers Association at Rutgers University’s New
Brunswick campus are partnering to organize an afternoon of activities that will promote socialization and understanding among individuals with and without disabilities. The event will be held on April 17 at 1 p.m. at the Rutgers University Douglass Campus Center. Registration at www.disabilityallies.com/Events is required to attend.

Activities will include icebreakers and other activities to acquaint attendees, as well as to build social skills. In addition, competitive social activities will be held to promote teamwork, understanding, and an appreciation of diversity.The event will include music, food will be served, and prizes will be given out, such as gift certificates to restaurants.

The address of the event is: Trayes Hall Room 104, located at 100 George St., New Brunswick. Sign in will begin at 12:30 p.m. Register at www.disabilityallies.com/Events to attend as a mentee or a mentor. Mentors must be between the ages of 18 and 35.

About Disability Allies: Disability Allies is a 501(c)3 status nonprofit that seeks to build social connections among children and young adults, particularly those with disabilities. They connect youth by  organizing events where social and team-building skill development are encouraged and at many events, mentoring relationships are facilitated.

To learn more, visit www.disabilityallies.com or email [email protected]